Accommodation Františkovy Lázně - hotels, pensions, private accommodation
Františkovy Látzně - one of the pillars of the West Bohemian spa triangle, a town situated in the greenery, which retains its own color and more peace than large spa towns, but in any case does not lag behind in terms of the offer of spa hotels and boarding houses, cultural facilities and services. Accommodation in Franzensbad it is a staying in the town, where except for spa services and spa treatments you can use many sporting and recreational facilities (swimming pool, golf, tennis, horseriding, etc.) and facilities for business events. The location near the historic town of Cheb and near the Czech-German border makes Františkovy Lázně an attractive tourist destination. In the surroundings you can visit many interesting places - pond America, Seeberg castle, the national nature reserve Soos, Komorní Hůrka - the youngest volcano in Central Europe and others. Františkovy Lázně are world famous for the treatment of gynecological diseases and cardiac and vascular diseases, the most popular from spa springs is Franz, Luisa, Cold spring or New Spring. Symbol of the spa is a statue of a naked boy with a fish sitting on the ball - Franz (Charles Mayerl´s work). Accommodation Frantiskovy Lázně
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