region: jižní Čechy - Jihočeský kraj
area: Hluboká nad Vltavou
web: www.zoo-ohrada.cz
e-mail: info@zoo-ohrada.cz
phone: +420 387 002 211
code: CB-018
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area: Hluboká nad Vltavou
web: www.zoo-ohrada.cz
e-mail: info@zoo-ohrada.cz
phone: +420 387 002 211
code: CB-018

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The areal of Zoo Ohrada is extended in a fascinating environment between the hunting castle Ohrada and the lake of Munice near the town Hluboká nad Vltavou. For our guests there is a varied exposition of beasts, mammals and birds. Either the muster of threatened species is not missing including the bear, wolf, lynx and otter. We also offer rich programms for pre-schools and schools of all levels, at the same time we have been preparing performances with animal themes for several years. Come to us to have a rest and get to know something more about the miracles of the nature.
Objects found: 1
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