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VInařství Osička
Moravská Nová Ves
region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
area: Znojemsko
phone: +420 515 210 360
mobil: +420 775 113 399
price per person and day from: 875 Kč
code: CZ-067
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The wellness hotel Happy Star offers a modern and very comfortable accommodation near the town Znojmo, in the village Hnanice (near the Podyjí National park). The hotel is a great starting point for trips to Austria. Wine cycling tours will take you through the beautiful countryside in the area of Znojmo. After your trip a fairytale relaxation in the hotel with indoor pool, whirpool, fitness and steem room is waiting for you (accommodation with wellness in Podyjí area). The accommodation is suitable for weddings and bussiness events in the south Moravia and its surrounding. There is also bowling alley and wine cellar U černého kocoura for 30 persons (Accommodation with wine cellar Znojmo).

Františkovy Lázně a okolí Hluboká nad Vltavou Klatovy a okolí NP České Švýcarsko Poděbrady a okolí Znojemsko Žďárské vrchy
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