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Accommodation Brno surroundings - hotels, pensions, apartments

The recreational area of Brno - country can offer its guests stays in South Moravia, the landscape of which is suitable for walking, bikin, and relaxation. A big advantage for a stay there is also an easy access to Brno, where you can find all the social amenities. Guesthouses and hotels offered in this area provide a very comfortable accommodation at Brno, especially the good availability to Brno guarantees a quality accommodation for Brno Fairs (BVV). Accommodation in the district Brno - country guarantees a high level of accommodation both for family holidays, and corporate events in South Moravia. In this area you must not miss the wine route, for just wineries and wine tourism area for the whole region of South Moravia characteristic.   continuing...

region: jižní Morava Jihomoravský kraj
area: Brno-venkov
phone: +420 778 473 150
price per person and day from: 1090 Kč
code: CZ-436
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The Žabčice hotel, which has been bulit as a new multifunctional centre on a place of a former municipal arms and therefore substituted its role (accommodation in hotel near Brno), is located about 25 km far from the regional town Brno. The newly built hotel is very interesting from the architectonic point of view (it is made of wood) and it was open on July 15, 2013. Due to a rich location of the region, an attractive folklore and wine tourism have their tradition there (wine tourism Brno and surrounding). The vineyards of Žabčice belong to the Velkopavlovická viniculture area. The whole hotel is barrier-free (barrier-free accommodation Brno and surrounding).

Brno-venkov Lednicko-valtický areál Pálava a okolí Podluží Slovácko Znojemsko pronájem chaty a chalupy Brno - okolí
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